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Help needed on configing l2j on centos dedi server

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 11:08 pm
by Menuval
Hii there,

I've rented a dedicated server, Managed to get the apache/mysql/java installed
and it's actually runing pretty nice.

thing is, I know the securtiy is secrewd since I created/changed priviliegs to many users in my road to runing the server files, also, root user is acting funky.

Is there any decent guide online showing the steps to install l2j server on a linux based system ?

Anyone feels like helping me leave a pm pls, i will greatly appriciate it.



Re: Help needed on configing l2j on centos dedi server

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:36 am
by Vapulabe
1) install the JDK ( -> J2SE -> download JDK) on the server
2) compile L2J (either on your own computer or on your server). you'll get an archive which will contain the config files and the .jar. Same for L2DP
3) unzip the archives on your server
4) tweak the config and path and use the ".sh" scripts to run L2J (instead of the .bat)