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FREYA Olympiad

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:20 pm
by DrGreen
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Hello !

I am very sorry to open this topic again, but after many searches I have been unable to find any suitable information about how to set up the Olympiad for my server.

The time of it is set to : 37266 minutes, the period, and 7341 minutes the weekly change. This is default setting, but I want my Olympiad to be every 2 weeks.

I have tried the previous topics regarding the Olympiad that I found here, but none suited me because I wasn't able to implement it in my Java Code. Maybe I did something wrong myself, but I can't find more solutions to this problem.

If any of you can give a word of advice, a link to something useful, or give any support I would really appreciate it.

I am also new to the forum, and haven't used it very much, so if this topic is not well placed, I respectfully ask a moderator to delete it.

Thank you for your time.

Re: FREYA Olympiad

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:28 pm
by DrGreen
Hello !

I have found the solution myself (VERY silly me).

I tried to modify the olympiad_end and next_weekly_change from olympiad_data in l2jgs, just as I did in another table for the sieges, setting it manually.

After gameserver restart duration has been implemented successfully !