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I have started fresh. I recently upgrade my PC which means I was able to play around with some Windows 7 Pro 64bit virtual boxes to create a L2j Server on a FRESH machine with no possible windows environment issues. I have a new L2 Ertheia server up and running, login server and game server link together smoothly and everything seems normal. I typed in a username and password and it automatically created my account and showed me the server list. The server showed up in the list as online, light traffic (of course because there's nobody on it ), but when I clicked it to join, I got the error message "You have been disconnected from the login server. Please log in again." This made me frustrated because everything up to this point in the install had gone perfectly. I checked the game server and login server CMD windows and there are no errors. The login window acknowledged the auto creation of my account. Since there are no errors I am not sure where to start to solve this issue. Any advice?