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Build the Server

We use Maven to build the server files, execute the following commands:

cd C:\opt\l2j\git\l2j-server-login
mvnw install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -------------------< com.l2jserver:l2j-server-login >-------------------
[INFO] Building L2J Login Server

cd C:\opt\l2j\git\l2j-server-game
mvnw install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -------------------< com.l2jserver:l2j-server-game >--------------------
[INFO] Building L2J Game Server

cd C:\opt\l2j\git\l2j-server-datapack
mvnw install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -----------------< com.l2jserver:l2j-server-datapack >------------------
[INFO] Building L2J DataPack

To avoid the following warning


[WARNING] An NVD API Key was not provided - it is highly recommended to use an NVD API key as the update can take a VERY long time without an API Key

You need to get an API Key from NIST and set an environment variable NVD_API_KEY with the given key.

The API Key, if present, will be used to get the vulnerability database files.