Opal will continue to work on it or it's useless

All code https://github.com/zinetech/L2j-Helper
Use voice .helper
1, Helper Custom configuration in L2Helper.properties
2, L2Helper Information
3, L2Helper Price
4, L2Helper Level, Delevel
5, L2Helper Vitality
6, L2Helper Recommend
7, L2Helper Enchantment
8, L2Helper Newbie
9, L2Helper Buffer
Code: Select all
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# L2j Helper HighFive# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Copyright (C) 2013 Milan Jankovec http://l2.perfect.sk # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or# (at your option) any later version.## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the# GNU General Public License for more details.## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# L2Helper# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Default: TrueL2Helper = True # Use in Combat, Duel, Olympiade# Default: FalseL2HelperIsCombat = False # Use in PeaceZone (if False allow use World)# Default: FalseL2HelperIsPeace = False # Use is character crafting# Default: FalseL2HelperIsCraft = False # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# L2Helper Information# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Default: TrueL2HelperInfo = True # In Work | not use# Default: TrueL2HelperInfoStatus = True# Default: TrueL2HelperInfoPlayers = True# Default: TrueL2HelperInfoClans = True # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# L2Helper Price# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Automatic configuration from server type# 0 : disabled | 1 : Low Rate server | 2 : Medium Rate server | 3 : High Rate server# Default: 0L2HelperServer = 0 # Custom manipule for multiplier consumable and support cost# Default: FalseL2HelperPrice = False# Default: 1.0L2HelperPriceRate = 1.0 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# L2Helper Level# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# -1 lvl remove# Default: TrueL2HelperLevelDown = True# Default: 57 (Adena)L2HelperLevelDownItem = 57# Default: 10000L2HelperLevelDownItemCount = 10000 # +1 lvl add# Default: TrueL2HelperLevelUp = True# Default: 5575 (Ancient Adena)L2HelperLevelUpItem = 5575# Default: 1000000000L2HelperLevelUpItemCount = 1000000000 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# L2Helper Vitality# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Default: TrueL2HelperVitality = True# Default: 5575 (Ancient Adena)L2HelperVitalityItem = 5575# Default: 10000L2HelperVitalityItemCount = 10000 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# L2Helper Recommend# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Default: TrueL2HelperRecommend = True# Default: 5575 (Ancient Adena)L2HelperRecommendItem = 5575# Default: 1000L2HelperRecommendItemCount = 1000 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# L2Helper Enchantment# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Default: TrueL2HelperEnchant = True# Default: 65535 | 0 : MaxEnchantLevel server configuration | Max +65535L2HelperEnchantMax = 55# Default: 5575 (Ancient Adena)L2HelperEnchantItem = 5575# Default: 1000000000L2HelperEnchantItemCount = 1000000000 # Default: TrueL2HelperEnchantWeapon = True# Default: TrueL2HelperEnchantArmor = True# Default: TrueL2HelperEnchantJewels = True# Default: TrueL2HelperEnchantOther = True # In Work, not use# Default: FalseL2HelperEnchantAttribute = False # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# L2Helper Newbie Settings# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Newbie settings change if character use voice .helper# Best add in servernews.htm <button action="bypass -h voice .helper" value="Helper" width=200 height=32 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df"> # After use change newbie status in database to 0# Default: TrueL2HelperNewbie = True # Level for newbie starting character# Default: 0 (Disable) | 40 : Add 40 Level for characterL2HelperNewbieStartLevel = 40 # If change L2HelperNewbieStartLevel get all skills character# Default: FalseL2HelperNewbieGetAllSkill = False # Blessing of Protection# Default: FalseL2HelperNewbieGetProtection = False # Support items for newbie starting character# Sweet Fruit Cocktail, Fresh Fruit Cocktail, Rune of Experience Points 50%, Rune of SP 50%# Default: TrueL2HelperNewbieSupport = True # Support adena for newbie starting character# L2HelperServer or L2HelperPriceRate use# Default: 0L2HelperNewbieSupportAdena = 100000 # If True character set nobless status# Default: TrueL2HelperNewbieSetNoble = True # Default: Use voice .helperL2HelperNewbieSetTitle = Use voice .helper# Remove after logout# Default: FFFFFFL2HelperNewbieSetNameColor = 69B360# Default: FFFFFFL2HelperNewbieSetTitleColor = 60B2AA # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# L2Helper Buffer Settings# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Default: TrueL2HelperBuffer = True# Default: TrueL2HelperBufferIcon = True # For Recharge (Max HP MP CP) | Remove All Buffs effect# Default: TrueL2HelperBufferRecharge = True# Default: 57 (Item Adena)L2HelperBufferItemsById = 57# Default: 5000 (Count)L2HelperBufferItemPriceCount = 5000 # For Buffs# Default: TrueL2HelperBufferBuffs = True# Default: 57 (Item Adena)L2HelperBufferItemsByIdBuffs = 57# Default: 10000 (Count)L2HelperBufferItemPriceCountBuffs = 10000 # For Songs,Dances# Default: TrueL2HelperBufferDS = True# Default: 5575 (Ancient Adena)L2HelperBufferItemsByIdDS = 5575# Default: 5000 (Count)L2HelperBufferItemPriceCountDS = 5000 # For Special# Default: TrueL2HelperBufferSpecial = True# Default: 5575 (Ancient Adena)L2HelperBufferItemsByIdSpecial = 5575# Default: 10000 (Count)L2HelperBufferItemPriceCountSpecial = 10000

I have a lot of ideas, but they will not be processed if it has no meaning. If the extension nuiekomu Do I like to write what would possibly like to add.
If I made a mistake please tell me. So far it is working correctly.
For L2J Team: license is ok? or need some other version?
//Still can not create topic in DataPack Custom MODs so I gave here.